First Frost

first frost forms 
whitening rooftops
and lightening grass

a bloom of ice crystal spores
that coat brown and wilted leaves
and cover broken black and angled stems
in weary autumn fields

the faint November sun is filmy
and milky white —
a cataract-covered eye in the sky
so high
its gaze offers cold comfort

and then,
morning light grows
wind sways
geese fly away
and first frost fades

leaving a gilded glistening
as earth turns
in its great spiral dance
around the sun

Image: Altered photo of frost crystals from public domain by Diane Perazzo and her clever AI companion, Prisma.

May these words bring truth
and healing through open hands and hearts.
And then, let it flow back into our Mother Earth
for the love of all her beings.


  1. Extraordinarily beautiful, Diane. So many people struggle with the month of November – they should all read your powerful poem to see the beauty in this month.

  2. A pretty piece, chilly, but promising future warmth as the sun rises during the day. I can hear the crispy crackling of my footsteps as they tread over frosty fields and see I am alive as I watch my breath leave my body. A good day, a good time to be alive.

    1. Thank you Michael! Your comment prompted me to change the phrase “dispassionate glistening” to “gilded glistening” which is more hopeful and has a nice alliteration. xo

  3. My good friend, Diane- Your poems are Getting better and better.

    I am not a poet, so – take my audacious suggestions with a grain of salt.

    Paige (Can’t get the poem to copy correctly-will send another email-& get to the previous one now) >

  4. Indeed, beauty can be found any time of the year – some of it is just more obvious and “ordinary”. Hugs, Janice

  5. Beautiful imagery from under a cataract eye!

    Love your poems Diane,

    Thanks for enriching our days,

    XO Nancy 



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